1. Just did Henry the Fifth's telemetry pacemaker check. The very preliminary result is that the pacemaker is just reading his heartbeat and not having to fire. This indicates he is out of heart block. The big official news will happen in June at our in-person electrophysiology appointment in June.
2. *Somebody* keeps farting so potent-ly that I keep checking his diaper for poops, but no poops. What up dude?
3. Henry the Fifth can now climb up and down the stairs. With supervision y'all.
4. Questionable vocabulary? Definitely has Dada down. Maybe Mama, No, Yes, Yeah.
5. Can definitely sign 'Finished.' At first he would grab our hands and make us sign it the way we were teaching him, but this week he started signing it on his own!
6. Decided he is willing to eat Gerber Cheesy Poof thingies, goldfish crackers, pieces of chicken tenders (Tyson white meat strips, YUM!), french fries, & tots. Yay, our kid likes junk food.
7. Incidentally/ accidentally discovered he is not allergic to peanuts. We did this by discovering that he loves the fries from 5 Guys. The next day it occurred to me that 5 Guys cooks in peanut oil. Oops. The GI doc said not to give him any more peanut stuff as early introduction can actually cause an allergy. And, he said that if the parent(s) have ANY allergy at all (such as my allergy to penicillin) he shouldn't have peanuts until age three. Sorry dude, you just have to wait for the awesomeness of the peanut butter/chocolate combo.
8. I will eventually post on the holidays - Turkey, Christmas, New Year. Here's a preview... I only gained 5 pounds. :) Hubby said to look at it in a positive light. It could be worse. Oprah gained 40.