Check out all my new-to-me vintage loot!
Fun postcards.
Ribbon perfect for boy clothes. If we have a boy, I am doing the room in submarines and whales, so these will be perfect for baby and definitely for Henry 5.
A Navy wife and proud mommy of Henry the Fifth.
2010 Census to Begin
WARNING: 2010 Census Cautions from the Better Business Bureau
Be Cautious About Giving Info to Census Workers
By Susan Johnson
With the U.S. Census process beginning, the Better Business Bureau (BBB) advises people to be cooperative, but cautious, so as not to become a victim of fraud or identity theft. The first phase of the 2010 U.S. Census is under way as workers have begun verifying the addresses of households across the country. Eventually, more than 140,000 U.S. Census workers will count every person in the United States and will gather information about every person living at each address including name, age, gender, race, and other relevant data.
The big question is - how do you tell the difference between a U.S. Census worker and a con artist?
BBB offers the following advice:
** If a U.S. Census worker knocks on your door, they will have a badge, a handheld device, a Census Bureau canvas bag, and a confidentiality notice. Ask to see their identification and their badge before answering their questions. However, you should never invite anyone you don't know into your home.
** Census workers are currently only knocking on doors to verify address information.
Do not give your Social Security number, credit card or banking information to anyone, even if they claim they need it for the U.S. Census.
While the Census Bureau might ask for basic financial information, such as a salary range, YOU DON'T HAVE TO ANSWER ANYTHING AT ALL ABOUT YOUR FINANCIAL SITUATION. The Census Bureau will not ask for Social Security, bank account, or credit card numbers, nor will employees solicit donations. Any one asking for that information is NOT with the Census Bureau. AND REMEMBER, THE CENSUS BUREAU HAS DECIDED NOT TO WORK WITH ACORN ON GATHERING THIS INFORMATION.. No Acorn worker should approach you saying he/she is with the Census Bureau.
Eventually, Census workers may contact you by telephone, mail, or in person at home. However, the Census Bureau will not contact you by Email, so be on the lookout for Email scams impersonating the Census. Never click on a link or open any attachments in an Email that are supposedly from the U.S. Census Bureau. Here's their web site:
Additional security related information to keep in mind:
• Any request for census information from the Census Bureau will be clearly marked as coming from the U.S. Census Bureau and as OFFICIAL BUSINESS of the United States
• It is a federal offense for anyone to pretend they represent the Census Bureau, or any other office of the United States Government
• When the 2010 Census takes place, you will receive a letter from the Census Bureau Director, notifying you that, in a few days, your household will receive a form in the mail, or a phone call from the Census Bureau, or a visit from a Census Bureau representative
Identifying the Census Taker
• All census takers carry official government badges marked with just their name
• You may also ask them for a picture ID from another source to confirm their identity
• Some census workers might carry a "U.S. Census Bureau" bag
If you still are not certain about their identity, please call the Regional Census Center toll-free number to confirm they're employed by the Census Bureau.
Most importantly, the Census Bureau will NEVER, under any circumstances, ask to enter your home.
- Favorite Handprinted Fabric
- Favorite Digitally Printed Fabric- The image on the fabric from Henry’s Daddy Doll
Favorite Home Decor Weight Fabric or Collection – We are plannning to reupholster a victorian couch from Henry's grandfather. I want to do something similar to Nie Nie's couch pictured here.
- Favorite Trend (Colors)- turquoise and orange
- Favorite Novelty Print – Petit Ecole purchased from Superbuzzy
Favorite Floral Print I made a 50’s style dress with this pique from Hancock Fabrics.
- Favorite Organic Print or Collection I love the collection at Volksfaden.
- Favorite Holiday Fabric or Collection – Michael Miller’s Funky Christmas
- Favorite Juvenile Print: Boys – monkey’s for Henry’s romper
- Favorite Reproduction Print or Collection – Marcus Brother’s Aunt Grace. I have a few, but I am thinking of one of them for café curtains in my kitchen
- Favorite Solid/Nonprinted – anything that coordinates with my prints and is on sale!
- Favorite Fabric Shop – online: Superbuzzy, ReproDepot Walk in: G-street, local: JoAnns
- Favorite New Fabric You Worked With in 2009- craft weight fusible Pellon. OK, technically not a fabric, but it is new to me and helped make cute fabric boxes for my son’s toys.