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Judith Van Atta Roenke. I am a Navy Submariner wife. Triathlete. I am the proud mommy of Henry the Fifth and Peter Tristum. Welcome to my Blog...

Saturday, January 03, 2015

101 Things in 1001 days Update 2015

I decided to review my old goals from 2008. Things have really change since I first made this list. I updated with what I have completed or abandoned/changed.  I will be writing a new list over the next few days.

The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).
Why 1001 Days? 
Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as New Year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organising and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.
Some common goal setting tips:
1. Be decisive. Know exactly what you want, why you want it, and how you plan to achieve it.

2. Stay Focused. Any goal requires sustained focus from beginning to end. Constantly evaluate your progress.

3. Welcome Failure. Frequently, very little is learned from a venture that did not experience failure in some form. Failure presents the opportunity to learn and makes the success more worthy.

4. Write down your goals. It clarifies your thinking and reinforces your commitment.

5. Keep your goals in sight. Review them frequently, and ensure that they are always at the forefront of your thinking.
Start Date: August 22, 2008
Midpoint: January 4, 2010
End Date: May 20, 2011
My List
Completed Goals in Green
Health and a Little Vanity
001. Blog a post about each 101 (/101)
002. Run twice a week for 3 months (3/3)
003. Then run 3 times a week for 6 months (2/6)
004. Then run 4 times a week for 9 months (0/9) (2014 done for 3 months, now hip injury to rehab)
005. Swim at least twice a week for 3 months (3/3)
006. Reach goal weight of 135 pounds (In progress, down 25 since Feb 2014)
007. Get Lasik or PRK surgery (done)
008. Eat 5 fruits and veggies daily for 4 months (/120)
009. Have my teeth whitened (2014 using Sensodyne whitening for past 2 years. Good 'nuff)
010. Get glasses in new Rx (got lasik instead)
011. Weight train 2 times a week for 2 months (2/2)
012. Do home exercise program for knee pain daily for 2 months (0/2) (Change to rehab hip and shin splints once PT started)
013. Use my skin care system and otherwise leave it alone for 2 months (1/2)
Competition, Athletics, Getting Outdoors
014. Go orienteering with our son (3 times)
015. Find 20 Geocaches (8/20) 
016. Hide a Geocache
017. Compete in 5 sprint triathlons (3/5, plus 1 team duathlon and some foot races 2009) On hold for preggo. (Completed 3 in 2014 plus running races. 2015 goal 3 sprints, 1 oly)
018. Complete another Half Ironman (2016)
019. Go for run or ride on Dismal Swamp canal (done several times)
020. Take baby hiking (done - olympic mountains)
021. Take baby to neighborhood park each week (completed in chesapeake)
022. Swim with Belugas
023. Have another baby, twins or quadruplets. 1,2 or 3 boys. 1 girl. Charlie, Willy, Jimmy and Annika Louise. (Feb 14, 2011 had a baby boy named Peter Tristum)
024. Do three 10 minute sessions of therapy a day with the baby (9/1001- no longer applicable, he is ahead of schedule/milestones) (2014 'Baby' is now 7. Aspergers. New goal, daily therapy/exercises.)
025. Do baby massage 3 times each week (done, now replaced with reading)
026. Adopt a dog - on hold for 2 years per family decision (still on hold)
027. Fill out the baby book
028. Teach my son to swim (Aspergers delaying this goal. By end of summer 2015)
029. Join a mommy and baby class or play group- Kindermusik at the YMCA
030. Take baby to an aquarium (done Chesapeake)
031. Get the rest of my stuff out of my parent’s basement (still pending, complete 2015)
032. Help parents eBay excess tchotchkes (ebay, sell, donate, complete in 2015)
033. Plan my son’s first birthday party including guests, homemade cake, and fun gifts. (successful party)
034. Switch baby to cloth diapers at home - progress, bought some fuzzibunz, Abandoned, he outgrew them. Pottytraining now. (Done. Henry in some cloth as baby. Cloth diapered Petey for 9 months.)
035. Play a board game with husband each week (25/143)
Mental Health and Mental Floss
036. Finish vision board (Done 2014, revise New Year 2015)
037. Finish reading the books in my pile o’ books on the nightstand (still illiterate. 2015 read Autism books. Pleasure reading 3 nights/week.)
038. Record my dreams 4 times per week (2/572)
039. Meditate at least 15 minutes per day (while the baby is sleeping) for 2 months (0/2) (2014 purchased Tara Brach CDs, still a goal)
040. Start my day taking the baby for a walk or run instead of turning on the TV, and make this a habit for 2 months (0/2)
041. Post my blog once a week for 25 weeks (3/25(renewing this goal)
042. Take a photography class
043. Use the library for 1 out of 3 books I think I want to buy
044. Take 5 CEU courses (4/5) (complete 2014. Goal 2015 3 courses)
045. Learn HTML - Progress: bought this book, talked with a programmer.
046. Figure out how to use Twitter - completed 8/27/08
047. Learn to use Photoshop
Sewing and Crafting
048. Make OT equipment for baby (done)
049. Sew 11 outfits (1 per 3 months) for baby (2/11)
050. Sew 3 skirts for me (3/3)
051. Refashion a vintage dress
052. Refashion a vintage skirt
053. Sew 10 quilts for CHKD (one every 2 months) (0/10)
054. Complete wedding scrapbooks
055. Complete travel scrapbooks
056. Finish mending pile in sewing room
057. Make 6 coffee sleeves (6/6 plus more)
058. Make a pin cushion with silica sand and wool
059. Organize vintage button collection
060. Embroider 6 tea towels (0/6)
061. Learn to crochet amigurumi
House and Home
062. Frame old and family photosProgress: frames purchased, photos in process of organization
063. Embroider a quilt for our bed
064. Reupholster the antique couch and chairs with a mod fabrics (done 2012 in Washington)
065. Print travel photos to frame
066. Mop the kitchen once a week for 1 month (0/4)
067. Reupholster 2 office chairs (0/2)
068. Finish the Hurricane Kit (re-do after move 2015)
069. Go thru my magazines, cut out what I want to saveput clippings into bindersProgress: Freecycled collection of SHAPE mags and Bon Apetit, completes Aug 2010- recycled most
070. Freecycle, donate, sell or otherwise get rid of at least 2 items per week. (/143)
Be a Better Human
071. Donate to NPR (yearly done)
072. Donate to SPCA - blankets so far
073. Donate to American Red Cross
074. Donate to CHKD
075. Donate to American Heart Association
076. Donate to La Leche League
077. Resume donating blood every 8 weeks
078. Sew quilt for Dr. Gilbert
079. Use reusable shopping bags at least 75%of the time for 3 months (3/3, now a habit)
080. Get in touch with 4 old friends (4/4)
Travel to Exotic or Ho Hum places
081. Go fabric shopping at Tomato in Japan
082. Go to Australia
083. Visit brother in Colorado other than his wedding
084. Visit other brother
085. Baby and I will ride the train to Maryland to see my parents
086. Baby and I will ride the train to New York to see my in-laws
087. Go to Vancouver
088. Go to NYC garment district and SOHO to shop my favorite stores
Shop or Obtain by any (legal) means
089. Obtain a Gocco print maker (now looking at a yudu instead)
090. Find one more farm chair for kitchen (they require re-gluing every 6 months. Replaced with IKEA)
091. Choose a silver pattern that coordinates with forks
092. Get a blackberry or other mobile device (hilarious!! Have a smart phone)
093. Buy art from Etsy for a baby girl’s room (Had a boy, bought Submarine art.)
094. Buy Art from local artist in Hampton Roads, possibly from the library collection
095. Buy cute reusable shopping bags once i meet goal # 79 with the re-purposed totes I already have. I cheated a little and bought green bags from the commissary, Barnes & Noble, and a tote benefiting the Arts Council here.
096. Get the napkins that match the French table cloth (done. World Market, not French linen)
Cooking for the Gourmet and Every Day
097. Make 4 recipes with miso in my fridge (3/4)
098. Make baby’s mangos
099. Make baby’s carrots
100. Finish organizing my recipe(Finish 2015)
101. Cook a vegetarian/vegan meal once a week (0/143) (renew this goal 2015)

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